Greek databases, covering the ancient, byzantine and modern periods
Project “ANAVATHMIS. Development of Historical Research: Studies and Digital Applications” (MIS 5002357) is part of the “Action for Strategic Development of Research and Technology Institutions” and funded by the Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation” (EPAnEK) of the Partnership Agreement for the Development Framework 2014-2020, co-funded by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund).
The Sources Chrétiennes Online (SCO) database was updated
It now provides source texts and French translations from 456 of the 625 printed volumes. Some notable additions are Origen’s Contra Celsum, the Rule of St Benedict, and William of St-Thierry’s Mirror of Faith.
PARATEXTS of the Bible
The database has as its focus the making of Biblical manuscripts: their “architecture”, their Sitz im Lebenand their development over time. Hence, it contains metadata, such as information on textual features, dating, scribes, owners, locations etc., but no digital images of manuscripts or full text transcriptions; rather it links to the best available resources.
The Index of Armenian Manuscripts lists Armenian manuscripts digitized and available in full access in digital libraries. It compiles the main metadata available in the catalogs (dimensions, support, title, number of pages, copy date) and offers direct access to the document. Most of the manuscripts are available via IIIF, and are therefore viewable with the Mirador viewer.
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