Publications (in print or just published) 2024 (December)
Recent & Forthcoming Publications:
(In alphabetical order of the authors)
- ALBRECHT, STEFAN, Das Synaxar von Konstantinopel und die byzantini-sche Ökumene, in: A. Bosselmann-Ruickbie u.a. (Hg.), Byzanz am Rhein. Festschrift für Günter Prinzing anlässlich seines 80. Geburtstags. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2024, 1–20.
- ALEXOPOULOS, STEFANOS, Ἡ θεία λατρεία μεταξύ μεταξὺ θεολογίας, εὐσέβειας καὶ ψηφιακῆς πραγματικότητας: μερικές σκέψεις καὶ προβληματισμοὶ (Divine Worship between theology, piety and digital reality: some thoughts), in: Θεολογία 95 (2024): 269–286.
- ALEXOPOULOS, STEFANOS, Reforming by Translating or Omitting” The Case of Orthodox Holy Week Hymns in the Greek American Context, in: A. Ioniță, S. Tobler (eds), Orthodox Liturgy and Anti-Judaism. Edition Israelogie 12 (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2024): 183–210.
- ANDREEV, Aleksandr, AFANASYEVA, Tatyana, SOBOLEVA, Aleksandra (eds), Ярославский Часослов второй половины XIII века. Исследование и издание текста [The Yaroslavl Horologion of the Second Half of the Thirteenth Century: Study and Edition], Moscow, St Petersburg, 2024.
- BRAKMANN, HEINZGERD, Zelebrationstechnische Bilder für christliche Liturgien, in: Brakmann, P., Hilsemer, L (eds.), Band 20: Instruktive Bilder: Visuelle Anleitung praktischer Fertigkeit, Berlin, Boston: dG Arts, 2024, 42–57 (open access).
- BUCHINGER, HARALD, Extracanonical Traditions as Heterotopias in Stational Liturgy: Ritual, Material Culture, and Lived Religion in Late Antique Jerusalem, in: Extracanonical Traditions and the Holy Land: Texts, Rituals, and Material Culture in Late Antique Palestine, ed. by H. Buchinger, L. Lieber, A. Merkt und T. Nicklas (Texte und Studien zu Antike und Christentum), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (in print).
- BUCHINGER, HARALD, Liturgy in Early Christianity, in: The Cambridge Companion to Christian Liturgy. (Hg. J. Geldhof), Cambridge: University (im Druck; Manuskript 16 S.).
- CHRONZ, TINATIN, Liturgical Commemoration and Its Material Value in the Georgian Book of Commemorations (Agapes) of Iviron Monastery, in: Z. Chitwood (ed.), Medieval Mount Athos between Wealth and Poverty, Leiden: Brill, 2024 (open access).
- HOYLAND, ROBERT, Forgotten Papyri of the Judean Desert: The Khirbet Mird Corpus from Late Antiquity to Early Islam, in: Israel Exploration Journal 74.1 (2024).
- MIHÁLYKÓ, ÁGNES, CHASE, NATHAN P., The “Milan Euchologion”: Reconstructing an Unknown Fourth-Century Anaphora and Its Post-Anaphoral Prayers, in: Vigiliae Christianae 2024 (in print).
- MIHÁLYKÓ, ÁGNES T., KONSTANTINE, PANEGYRES, Two Liturgical Papyri from the Bodleian Library, in: Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 70/2 (2024) 317–370.
- NASSIS, CHRISOSTOMOS, MIKHAIL, ARSENIUS, GALADZA, DANIEL (eds.), ΛΟΓΙΚΗ ΛΑΤΡΕΙΑ. Proceedings oft he Eight International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Thessaloniki, Greece, 13–18 June 2022 (SECL 6), Münster: Aschendorff 2025 (in print).
- PARENTI, STEFANO, Storia regionale del rito byzantine. Volume I: Costantinopoli e dintorni (JThF 47), Münster: Aschendorff 2025 (in print).
- PARENTI, STEFANO, Enarxis. All'origine di un equicovo, in: Ex Fonte 3 (2024) 39–56.
- PARENTI, STEFANO, Le preghiere iniziali e il dialogo introduttorio della Divina Liturgia bizantina, in: Studi sull’Oriente Cristiano 28/1 (2024) 109–131.
- PAUL OF ALEPPO’s Journal, Volume 1: Syria, Constantinople, Moldavia, Wallachia and the Cossacks’ Lands. Introductory Study by IOANA FEODOROV. Arabic edition and English translation by Ioana Feodorov with Yulia Petrova, Mihai Țipău, Samuel Noble. Leiden, Boston: Brill 2024 (Arabic Christianity: Texts and Studies 7).
- ROOZIEN, MARK, Ritual and Earthquakes in Constantinople: Liturgy, Ecology, and Empire. Cambridge University Press 2024.
- VISCIDO, LORENZO, Sui manoscritti greci degli esorcismi di San Gregorio Taumaturgo, Studi sull’Oriente Cristiano, 28.2, 2024, p. 177–187.
Book Reviews
- WOODS, DAVID, Review of: Hugo MÉNDEZ, The Cult of Stephen in Jerusalem: Inventing a Patron Martyr. Oxford University Press 2022, in: The Journal of Theological Studies, 2024, flae078.
Publications (in print or just published) 2024 (July)
Recent & Forthcoming Publications:
(In alphabetical order of the authors)
- ALBRECHT, STEFAN, Das Synaxar von Konstantinopel und die byzantinische Ökumene, in: Antje Bosselmann-Ruickbie u.a. (Hg.), Byzanz am Rhein. Festschrift für Günter Prinzing anlässlich seines 80. Geburtstags. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2024, 1–20.
- ANDREEV, ALEKSANDR – AFANASYEVA, TATIANA, Цикл молитв Василия Великого в составе древнерусских часословов XIII–XIV вв. [The Cycle Of Prayers of St. Basil the Great in the Early Russian Horologia of the 13th – 14th Centuries], in: Древняя Русь. Вопросы медиевистики 2024, 143–156 (in Russian with English summary).
- BAHR, LEONARD, The Litanies: Intercessory Prayers in Ethiopian Manuscripts. MA Thesis, University of Hamburg 2023: - BENGA, DANIEL, Images and Perceptions of Orthodox Liturgical Practice and Piety in the Travel Accounts of Stephan Gerlach (1546–1612) and Salomon Schweigger (1551–1622), in: Ionu Alexandru Tudorie, Daniel Benga (Eds.), The Manifold Faces of the East. Western Images of the Post-Byzantine Christian World in the Age of Reformation. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh 2024, 87–121.
- CAMPBELL, JONATHAN, History in the Margins: Paratextual Notes in Codex Koridethi (Θ 038), in: Andrews University Seminary Studies, Vol. 60, 1 (2023) 41–55.
- CHASE, NATHAN P., The Anaphoral Tradition in the ‘Barselona Papyrus’. Turnhout: Brepols 2023 (= Studia Traditionis Theologiae, vol. 53).
- CRACIUN A. F., LOSSKY A., POTT T. (éd.), Homme et femme il les créa : la place des femmes dans la liturgie. 67e Semaine d'études liturgiques Paris, Institut Saint-Serge, 6–9 juillet 2021. Münster: Aschendorff 2024 (= Semaines d'études liturgiques Saint-Serge 67).
- DOLIDZE, TINA (ED.), ქართულ-ბიზანტიური ურთიერთობის ძირითადი მიმართულებები. IV-XV საუკუნეები („პატრისტიკული კვლევა საქართველოში“ 9) [The Main Directions of the Georgian-Byzantine Relationships. 4th-15th centuries]. Tbilisi: Logos 2024 (= Patristical Research in Georgia 9), in Georgian.
- FARRUGIA, EDWARD G. S.J. –PAŠA, ŽELJKO S.J., Autocephaly. Coming of Age in Communion. Historical, Canonical, Liturgical and Theological Studies, 2 vol. Rome 2023 (= Orientalia Christiana Analecta 314–315).
- GAPRINDASHVILI, KHATUNA, The Medieval Georgian Manuscript from the Kappatha Convent in Jerusalem: Matenadaran georg. 61, in: Oriens Chrostianus 106 (2023), 159–175.
- ΙΕΡΆ Μεγίστη Μονή Βατοπαιδίου (ed.), Η Θεία Λειτουργία του Αγίου Αποστόλου Ιακώβου, Αδελφού του Κυρίου και Πρώτου Αρχιεπισκόπου Ιερουσαλήμ. 4 vol. Μονή Βατοπαιδίου 2023.
- JANERAS, SEBASTIÀ, El trisagi en l’antiga litúrgia hispànica. Actualització i síntesi, in: Miscel·lània Litúrgica Catalana 31(2023), 219-233.
- MARTÍ, INMACULADA PÉREZ, El rollo litúrgico Escorial R-II-14 y su copista, el monje Neófito. Manuscritos griegos de El Escorial.
- MIHÁLYKÓ, ÁGNES – CHASE, NATHAN P., The “Milan Euchologion”: Reconstructing an Unknown Fourth-Century Anaphora and Its Post-Anaphoral Prayers, in: Vigiliae Christianae 2024.
- MÜLLER-KESSLER, CHRISTA, The Early Jerusalem Lectionary Tradition in Christian Palestinian Aramaic (5th-7th Century). Lections Containing Unattested Old and New Testament Pericopes in Unpublished Palimpsests (Sinai, Gr. NF MG 32; Georg. NF 19, 71), in: Le Muséon 136.1–2 (2023) 201–263.
- MÜLLER-KESSLER, CHRISTA, Piecing together Christian Palestinian Aramaic Texts under Georgian Manuscripts (St Petersburg, NLR, Syr. 16; Sinai, Georg. NF 19, 71; Oslo, Martin Schøyen, MS 35, 37; Princeton, Garrett MS 24; Göttingen, Syr. 17, 19, 23, 25), in: Digital Kartvelology 1 (2022), 24–49.
- NIKIFOROVA, ALEKSANDRA, Фрагмент РНБ Гр. 87: новая находка нового тропология [The Fragment National Library of Russia Greek 87: A New Find of the New Tropologion], in: Известия Российской Академии Наук. Серия литературы и языка [Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Studies in Literature and Language]. 83/1 (2024), 73–89 (in Russian).
- PARENTI, STEFANO, Enarxis. All'origine di un equicovo, in: Ex Fonte 3 (2024) 39–56.
- PARENTI, STEFANO, Le preghiere iniziali e il dialogo introduttorio della Divina Liturgia bizantina, in: Studi sull’Oriente Cristiano 28/1 (2024) 109–131.
- PAUL OF ALEPPO's Journal, Volume 1: Syria, Constantinople, Moldavia, Wallachia and the Cossacks’ Lands. Introductory Study by IOANA FEODOROV. Arabic edition and English translation by Ioana Feodorov with Yulia Petrova, Mihai Țipău, Samuel Noble. Leiden, Boston: Brill 2024 (Arabic Christianity: Texts and Studies 7).
- ROOSIEN, MARC, The Travels of a Liturgcal Feast from the Holy Land: Feasting the Lord's Transfiguration in Armenian, West Syrian, and Byzantine Christianity, in: Emilio Bonfiglio, Claudia Rapp (edd.), Armenia and Byzantium without Boders. Leiden: Brill 2023 (= Armenian Texts and Studies 7), 215-235.
- SMIRNOV, VIKTOR – GUDKOV, ALEKSEY – STARIKOVA, IRINA, Рукописная книга XVII-XX вв. в собрании В. В. Смирнова [Handgeschriebenes Buch des 17.–20. Jh. in der Sammlung V. V. Smirnovs].
- SPYRAKOU, EVANGELIA, Aspects of Performance Practice and Training of the Medieval Chanter and Chantress in Byzantium: An Interdisciplinary Approach, in: Textus & Musica 7(2023):
- TUCKER, GREGORY, The Holy Friday Idiomelon Σήμερον κρεμᾶται ἐπὶ ξύλου. Liturgical History between Jerusalem and Constantinople, in: Ex Fonte – Journal of Ecumenical Studies in Liturgy 3 (2024) 57–82.
- VOICU, SEVER J., Seste spigolature pseudocrisostomiche, in: Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata III s. 20 (2023), 237–267.
- AFENTOULIDOU, EIRENE (2024), BYZREV 06.2024.039: GREGORY TUCKER, The Hymnography of the Middle Byzantine Ecclesiastic Rite & Its Festal Theology: Introduction – Edition – Commentary. Münster: Aschendorff 2022 (= Studies in Eastern Christian Liturgies 5).
- BORSOTTI, EMANUELE, Review of: A. J. M. IRVING, H. BUCHINGER (edd.), On the Typology of Liturgical Books from the Western Middle Ages = Zur Typologie liturgischer Bücher des westlichen Mittelalters, Münster: Aschendorff Verlag 2023 (= Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen 115), in: Ephemerides Liturgicae 138 (2024/2), 253-256.
- MESHREKI, MICHAEL, Review of The Presentation of the Lamb: The Prothesis and Preparatory Rites of the Coptic Liturgy, by Ramez Mikhail. In: Antiphon: A Journal for Liturgical Renewal 27/1 (2023), 114–116. For extended version of the review see:ünster_Germany_Aschendorff_Verlag_2020_?auto=download&auto_download_source=social-news&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2VhAhOb5KP030EyAtTQiWAhuFL3V5MQZva5CI8ajKp-jMPmHqS6fOeRLk_aem_UW4wX5ggx6RU-p2pnyqynQ
Publications (in print or just published) 2023 (April)
Recent & Forthcoming Publications:
Aleksandr ANDREEV, The Rites of Christian Initiation in the Slavonic Printed Liturgical Books, in: Ostkirchliche Studien 71. 2022, PP. 91–122.
Sysse Gudrun ENGBERG, "Political Use of the Old Testament in Byzantium: Encaenia, Dedication of a Church", in: Revue des Études Byzantines 80, 2022, 181-227. doi : 10.2143/REB.80.0.3290900.
Sysse Gudrun ENGBERG, Prophetologium I-II (MMB Lectionaria I), ed. Høeg, Zuntz, Engberg, 1939-1981, has been made available on:
Sysse Gudrun ENGBERG, “The Emperor Leo V, his Choir Master, and the Byzantine Old Testament Lectionary”, in: Receptions of the Bible in Byzantium: Texts, Manuscripts, and Their Readers, edited by Reinhart Ceulemans and Barbara Crostini, Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia (Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis), 2021, 79-90.
Sysse Gudrun ENGBERG, “The Opening of Hagia Sophia - a note on a note”, in: Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge grec et latin 89, 2020, 101-106,
Georgios ANDREOU, Il Praxapostolos Bizantino Codice Mosca GIM Vlad. 21 (Savva 4). Münster: Aschendorff 2023 = Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 46.
Daniele ARNESANO, Il repertorio dei manoscritti greci di Terra d’Otranto. Integrazione (2011-2021), in: Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata, s. III, 19. 2022, pp. 1–34.
Davide BIANCHI, Archäologische Zeugnisse für den Reliquienkult im Heiligen Land, in: Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie 28. 2022, pp. 45–65.
H. BRAKMANN, T. CHRONZ, C. SODE, «Mönch werden, Mönch sein im Christlichen Osten»: Kölner Kolloquium zur Initiatio Monastica. Münster: Aschendorff 2023 = Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 45.
Mary B. CUNNINGHAM, The Virgin Mary in Byzantium, c. 400–1000: Hymns, Homilies and hagiography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.
Marcello GARZANITI, Rev. of András Dobos, Prassi e teologia circa l'Eucaristia = SECL 3 (2022), in: Ostkirchliche Studien 71. 2022, pp. 170–171.
F. Kristian GIRLING, The Chaldean Catholic Church: A study in modern history, ecclesiology and church-state relations (2003–2013). PhD 2015:
University of London Heythrop College, free download:
Victor GORODENCHUK, The Theology of the Byzantine Rite of Holy Unction in the Context of Its Historical Evolution. Dissertation: Washington, Catholic University of America, 2022.
H. HAKOBYAN, T. MINASYAN, Vahe TOROSYAN, Manuscript Heritage of Artsakh and Utik. Yerevan 2022.
Lela KHACHIDZE, მარხვანი. წმ. გიორგი მთაწმიდელის რედაქცია [Triodion. St George the Hagiorites’ Redaction]. Tbilisi 2022.
E. KOCHLAMAZASHVILI (ED.), წმ. მარკოზ განშორებულის თხზულებათა ძველი ქართული ვერსიები [Old Georgian Versions of St Mark the Hermit’s Works]. Tbilisi 2023.
Andrea NIKOLOTTI (cur.), Il Libro delle Anafore della Chiesa Copta Orthodossa. Introduzione, traduzione dal copto, commenti e note di Andrea Nikolotti. Traduzione delle rubriche arabe di Mamdouh Chéhab. Münster (Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 45), in print.
Brent NONGBRI, The Date of Codex Sinaiticus, in: The Journal of Theological Studies, 73. 2022, pp. 516–534.
A. REMBECI (2022). Historical and cultural-literary aspects of Berat during the XIV-XV centuries, from the chronicles of the manuscript codices from London’s British Library and Oxford’s Magdalen College, in: Studia Albanica, 56. 2022, pp. 43–68.
G. ROSSETTO, A. TREIGER, Sinai gr. NF Σ3: A Dated Palestinian Manuscript of the Liturgy of Saint James (Ascalon, 1097/8), forthcoming in: Byzantion 93 (2023).
Stephen R. SHAVER, Metaphors of Eucharistic Presence: Language, Cognition, and the Body and Blood of Christ. Oxford University Press 2021.
Arman Gregory SHOKHIKYAN, (Re)Imagining the Church Through the Ordination Liturgy: Towards an Armenian Ressourcement, in: Ecclesiology 18 (2022) 78–98.
Alin SUCIU, Monahul și scribul. Creștinismul egiptean între idealul monahal și cultura scrisă. Spandugino 2022.
Gregory TUCKER, The Hymnography of the Middle Byzantine Ecclesiastic Rite & Its Festal Theology. Introduction – Edition & Translation – Commentary. Münster: Aschendorff 2022 = Studies in Eastern Christian Liturgies 5.
Andrew WADE, Multi-lingual, Pluri-ethnic Orthodox Monasticism in Palestine and on Sinai, in the Light of the Liturgical Sources with Particular Reference to the Liturgical Manuscript Sinai Arabic 232 (13th Century), in: Studia Ceranea. Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe 12. 2022, pp. 235–243.
Gabriele WINKLER, Armenia's Treasure Trove: Its Liturgy Revisited, in: Orientalia Christiana Periodica 88. 2022, pp. 25–64.
Recent and forthcoming publications 2022 (August)
Recent & Forthcoming Publications:
Stefan ALBRECHT, Zum Auftreten der Einsetzungsworte auf Kelch und Patene seit dem 10. Jh., in: Byzantinoslavica 78, 2020, 117-145.
Stefanos ALEXOPOULOS, The Use of the Bible in Byzantine Liturgical texts and Services, in: The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Orthodox Christianity, ed. by Eugen J. Pentiuc. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Regina AUGUSTIN, Tomos Agapis. Wiederannäherung der römisch-katholischen Kirche und der orthodoxen Kirche im 20. Jahrhundert. Berlin, Wien: LIT, 2022 = orientalia - patristica - oecumenica 20.
Eldar BUBULASHVILI, Relations Between the Georgian and Russian Churches from 1917 to the Present, in the Project Publication: G. Cheishvili (ed), Russia’s Expansion in the Caucasus and Georgia
Eldar BUBULASHVILI, Ecclesiastical Relations Between Georgia and Russia during the XIX-XX Centuries. Georgian Church during Exarchs, in the Project Publication: G. Cheishvili (ed), Russia’s Expansion in the Caucasus and Georgia.
Mary FARAG, Scriptual Interpretation in the Late Antique Coptic Tradition, in: The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Orthodox Christianity, ed. by Eugen J. Pentiuc. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Basilius J. GROEN, Consecration of Chrysm: Symbol of Ecclesial Unity? in: Вестник Свято-Филаретовского института № 42 / The Quarterly Journal of St. Philaret’s Institute 42, 2022, 111-121 (Russian with engl. abstract)
Jeffrey Alan MIERZEJEWSKI, Through the prayers of our holy fathers: The History and Theology of Reader Services in the Byzantine Rite. Dissertation. Saints Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary, Pittsburgh, 2021 (on
Thamar OTKHMEZURI (ed.), Medieval Georgian Literary Culture and Book Production in the Christian Middle East and Byzantium. Münster: Aschendorff, 2022 = Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 42.
Li TANG, Dietmar W. WINKLER (eds.), Silk Road Traces. Studies on Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia. Berlin, Wien: LIT, 2022 = orientalia - patristica - oecumenica 21.
Gregory TUCKER, The Hymnography of the Middle Byzantine Ecclesiastic Rite & Its Festal Theology: Introduction – Edition – Commentary. Münster: Aschendorff = Studies in Eastern Christian Liturgies (forthcoming).
Recent and forthcoming publications 2021 (December)
Recent & Forthcoming Publications:
András DOBOS, Prassi e teologia circa l’Eucaristia nella storica Eparchia di Mukačevo. Dall’unione di Užhorod (1646) fino alla metà del XX secolo. Münster: Aschendorff 2022 (Studies in Eastern Christian Liturgies 3);
Mary Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity. University of California Press 2021 (Transformation of the Classical Heritage 63).
Daniel GALADZA, Art. Святогрóбский Типикóн, in: Православная Энцилкопедия 62 (forthcoming), 141–144 (on
Job GETCHA, The Euchologion Unveiled: An Explanation of Byzantine Liturgical Practice II. New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press 2021.
Job GETCHA, La théologie sacramentaire Byzantine : Les sacrements chez Nicolas Cabasilas et Syméon de Thessalonique. Préface de Marie-Hélène Congourdeau, Paris : Beauchesne 2021.
Theodoros X. GIANGOU, Christina KAKKOURA, Christodoulos CHRISTODOULOU, Nikolaos PAPANTONIOU (eds.), Κυπριακή Αγιολογία. Πρακτικά Β΄ Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου «Από τον άγιο Επιφάνιο στον άγιο Νεόφυτο τον Έγκλειστο (4ος-12ος αι.)», Παραλίμνι, 13-15 Φεβρουαρίου 2014. Agia Napa, Paralimni 2021.
Ephrem A. ISHAC, Thomas CSANÁDY, Theresa Zammit LUPI (eds.), Tracing Written Heritage in a Digital Age. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2021.
Mirela IVANOVA, Inventing and ethnicising Slavonic in the long ninth century, in: Journal of Medieval History, 47:4-5 (2021), 574-586. Link to this article:
Thomas LIENHARD, The emergence of written Slavonic (c.860–c.880): where and why?, in: Journal of Medieval History 47:4-5 (2021), 587-596. Link to the abstract:
Martin LUSTRAETEN, The Source Value of Arabic Typicon-Manuscripts as Testimonials for the Byzantinization of the Melkites, in: Religions 2021, 12(11), 931;
Alexandra NIKIFOROVA, Святые жeны в древнеиерусалимском богослужении: корпус текстов и система топосов, in: Библия и христианская древность / Bible and Christian Antiquity, 11/ 3, (2021), 160–196. (on
Eugen J. PENTUIC, Hearing the Scriptures: Liturgical Exegesis of the Old Testament in Byzantine Orthodox Hymnography. Oxford University Press 2021.
Gregory TUCKER, The Hymnography of the Middle Byzantine Ecclesiastic Rite & Its Festal Theology: Introduction – Edition – Commentary. (Studies in Eastern Christian Liturgies), Münster: Aschendorff, forthcoming.
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Ex Fonte – Journal of Ecumenical Studies in Liturgy. May 2022. |
Recent and forthcoming publications 2020 (December)
Just published:
Stefanos Alexopoulos, Maxwell E. Johnson, Introduction to Eastern Christian Liturgies, Liturgical Press 2021
Garrick V. Allen, Manuscripts of the Book of Revelation: New Philology, Paratexts, Reception. Oxford University Press 2020.
Heinzgerd Brakmann, Tinatin Chronz, Claudia Sode (Hrsg.), «Neugeboren aus Wasser und Heiligem Geist». Kölner Kolloquium zur Initiatio Christiana 2016. Münster: Aschendorff 2020 (Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 37).
A.F. Craciun, A. Lossky, T. Pott (éd.), Liturgies de pèlerinages. 66e Semaine d'études liturgiques, Paris, Institut Saint-Serge, 1–4 juillet 2019. Münster: Aschendorff 2020.
Εμμανουήλ Στ. Γιαννοπούλοσ, Η συλλογή παλαιών Ψαλτικών χειρογράφων του Σίμωνα Καρά. Αναλυτικός περιγραφικός
κατάλογος. Ἀθην́α 2020. AnalytCatalogue2020.pdf
Epifanij (Denis Bulaev), Рукописные источники византийского Октоиха и их типология (Manuscript sources of the Byzantine Oktoechos and their typology, in Russian). Diss., Moscow 2020.
Supervisor: Mikhael Zheltov. PDF onРукописные_источники_византийского_Октоиха_и_их_типология_Manuscript_sources_of_the_Byzantine_Oktoechos_and_their_typology_
Stephen J. Davis, Daniel Schriever, and Mary K. Farag, with a contribution by Samuel Moawad, The Feast of the Desert of Apa Shenoute: A Liturgical Procession from the White Monastery in Egypt (BN Copte 68) (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 681, Scriptores coptici 53). Louvain: Peeters Publishers 2020.
Agata Deptula, Liturgical Poetry in Christian Nubia. The Evidence of the Wall Inscriptions in the Lower Church at Banganarti (Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplements, 38). Leuven: Peeters 2020.
Mary K. Farag, “Relics vs. Paintings of the Three Holy Children: Coptic Responses to Chalcedonian Claims in Alexandria”, in Analecta Bollandiana 137 (2019) 261-276.
H.-J. Feulner (Hrsg.), “Ex oriente lux?” Östliche Liturgien und westliche Kultur. Berlin, Wien: Lit Verlag 2020 (Österreichische Studien zur Liturgiewissenschaft und Sakramententheologie 13).
Hans-Jürgen Feulner, Elias Haslwanter (Ed.), Gottesdienst auf eigene Gefahr? Die Feier der Liturgie in der Zeit von Covid-19. Münster: Aschendorff 2020.
Daniel Galadza, “‘Remember, O Lord...’: Liturgy, History, and Communion Spoons in a Time of Pandemic”, Public Orthodoxy (Orthodox Christian Studies Center, Fordham University, 21 May 2020): (with translations into Greek and Russian).
Daniel Galadza, “Liturgy in the Life of the Eastern Catholic Churches: Theory and Practice in Europe and North America,” in Eastern and Oriental Christianity in the Diaspora, ed. H. G. B. Teule and J. Verheyden (Eastern Christian Studies 30, Leuven: Peeters, 2020), 33-56.
Holy Land. Archaeology on Either Side. Archaeological Essays in Honour of Eugenio Alliata ofm. Milano: Edizioni Terra Santa 2020.
Journal of the International Society for Orthodox Church Music, Vol. 4, No 2, 2020.
For the content and free download see: u7XYWvn_uTBY3Zw17HXlg3bbN88
Athanassios Malis. Obscured by Walls: The Bēma Display of the Cretan Churches from Visibility to Concealment (Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 18). Okzident 18). Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 2020.
Daniel Oltean, Devenir moine à Byzance. Coutumes sociales, règles monastiques et rituels liturgiques (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 291 / Bibliothèque de Byzantion 24), Leuven: Peeters, 2020.
Alexander Treiger, “The Beginnings of the Graeco-Syro-Arabic Melkite Translation Movement in Antioch”, in Scrinium 16 (2020), 1-27.
Stefano Parenti, L’anafora di Crisostomo. Testo e contesti. Münster: Achendorff 2020 (Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 36).
Elena Velkovska, “The Pontifical Diataxis “according to the Rite of the Great Church” (London, British Library Add. 34060). A New Edition”, in Studi sull’Oriente Cristiano 24,2 (2020).
Harald Buchinger, "Liturgy and Topography in Late Antique Jerusalem", in: Jerusalem II. Jerusalem in Roman-Byzantine Times (Hg. K. Heyden / M. Lissek; Civitatum Orbis Mediterranei Studia), Tübingen: Mohr.
Damaskinos of Xenophontos, The Theotokos in the Holy of Holies. Going beyond Senses, in: A. Jugănaru, M. Vuković, (eds.), Taste and See that the Lord is Good. Senses and Sense Perception in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Budapest 2021.
Alexandru Ionita, Harald Buchinger, The Byzantine Liturgy and the Jews. (SECL). Münster: Aschendorff 2021.
Joseph Verheyden, Daniel Galadza (eds.), The Lavra of St. Sabas. Liturgy and Literature in Communities and Contexts. Leuven 2021.
Ugo Zanetti, La liturgie de S. Marc dans le Sinai arabe 237. Édition et traduction annotée. (JThF). Münster: Aschendorff 2021.
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Ex Fonte – Journal of Ecumenical Studies in Liturgy. May 2022. |
Recent and forthcoming publications 2020 (October)
Just published:
The Damascus Psalm Fragment. Middle Arabic and the Legacy of Old Ḥigāzī by Ahmad Al-Jallad with a contribution by Ronny Vollandt. Chicago 2020 (The University of Chicago. Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Near East 2).
Christian Brockmann, Dieter Harlfinger , Stefano Valente (Hrsg.), Griechisch-byzantinische Handschriftenforschung. Traditionen, Entwicklungen, neue Wege. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 2020.
Harald Buchinger, Die Feier der Beschneidung des Herrn am Oktavtag von Weihnachten: Liturgische Entwicklung und Entfaltung im ersten Jahrtausend, in: Die Beschneidung Jesu: Was sie Juden und Christen heute bedeutet (Hg. J.-H. Tück), Freiburg: Herder 2020, 147-185.
Nathan P. Chase, Rethinking Anaphoral Development in Light of the Barcelona Papyrus. University of Notre Dame, 2020 (Doctoral dissertation). Abstracts
Boris Danilenko, Die kirchenslawische Übersetzung der Jakobus-Liturgie von Ivan Gardner: Textologie und Kulturgeschichte. Berlin e.a. 2020 (Philologica Slavica Vindobonensia 6).
Ἐκτενεῖς τῶν ἑορτῶν. Ιερά Μεγίστη Μονή Βατοπεδίου 2020.
Daniel Galadza, Alex C. J. Neroth van Vogelpoel, Multilingualism in the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom Among the Melkites, in: ARAM 31. 2019, 35-50.
Sebastià Janeras I Vilaro, «Nota sobre l’anamnesi de l’"Anàfora de Barcelona" (P. Monts. Roca inv. 128-178)», in: Miscellània litúrgica catalana 2019, 17-24 (for download see the pdf)
Nicolae Preda, The so-called Prayers of the Kathismata. Breef Historical-Liturgical Presentation, in: Icoana Creintei 6 (11). 2020, 17-36.
Georgios Thanasos, Η Ακολουθία των Εγκαινίων. Ιστορικολει-τουργική Θεώρηση και έντυπες εκδόσεις. Thessaloniki: Ἐκδόσεις Κυριακίδη 2020.
Heinzgerd Brakmann, Tinatin Chronz, Claudia Sode (Hrsg.), »Neugeboren aus Wasser und Heiligem Geist«. Kölner Kolloquium zur Initiatio Christiana 2016. Münster: Aschendorff 2020 (Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 37).
Harald Buchinger, Liturgy and Topography in Late Antique Jerusalem, in: Jerusalem II. Jerusalem in Roman-Byzantine Times (Hg. K. Heyden / M. Lissek; Civitatum Orbis Mediterranei Studia), Tübingen: Mohr.
Damaskinos of Xenophontos, The Theotokos in the Holy of Holies. Going beyond Senses, in: A. Jugănaru, M. Vuković, (eds.), Taste and See that the Lord is Good. Senses and Sense Perception in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Budapest 2021.
H.-J. Feulner (Hrsg.), “Ex oriente lux?” Östliche Liturgien und westliche Kultur. Berlin, Wien: Lit Verlag 2020 (Österreichische Studien zur Liturgiewissenschaft und Sakramententheologie 13).
Daniel Galadza, Prayers Before Prayerbooks. The Patristic Background of Holy Week Prayers in the Euchologion, in: XVIII. International Conference on Patristic Studies Oxford (StPa). Oxford
Stefano Parenti, L’anafora di Crisostomo. Testo e contesti. Münster: Achendorff 2020 (Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 36).
Alexander Treiger, The Beginnings of the Graeco-Syro-Arabic Melkite Translation Movement in Antioch, in: Scrinium 16 (2020), 1–27.
J. Verheyden, D. Galadza (eds.), The Lavra of St. Sabas. Liturgy and Literature in Communities and Contexts. Leuven 2021.
Ugo Zanetti, La liturgie de S. Marc dans le Sinai arabe 237. Édition et traduction annotée. Münster: Achendorff (JThF).
Recently published (2019-2020)
Tatyana Afanasyeva, Евхологий Саввы Сербского» и его рецепция в Древней Руси XIII–XIV в., in: Древняя Русь. Вопросы медиевистики 4 (78) 2019, pp. 144-156.
Diliana Atanassova, Neue Erkenntnisse bei der Erforschung der sahidischen Quellen für die Paschawoche, in: Ägypten und der Christliche Orient. Peter Nagel zum 80. Geburtstag, hrsg. von H. Behlmer, U. Pietruschka, F. Feder. Unter Mitarbeit von Th. Kohl. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz 2018 (Texte und Studien zur koptischen Bibel 1), pp. 1-38.
Das Kirchenjahr in der Tradition des Ostens und des Westens, hrsg. vom Sekretariat der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz und vom Generalsekretariat der Orthodoxen Bischofskonferenz in Deutschland. Bonn, Dortmund 2019 (Arbeitshilfen 310).
Bishara Ebdeid, Il Signore è il mio sposo. Simboli battesimali nella spiritualità siriaca antica.Napoli 2019.
Amando Elkhoury, Types and symbols of the Church in the writings of Jacob of Sarug.Dissertation 2018 an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt:
Sysse Engberg, An Early Greek Lectionary Recovered: The Palimpsest MS Cambridge Westminster College WGL 9/2, Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata, III s. 15 (2018):
Eleonora Kountoura Galake, Ekaterini Mitsiou (eds), Women and Monasticism in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean: Decoding a Cultural Map. Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation 2019.
Bernard Outtier, Cornelia B. Horn, Basil Lourie und Alexey Ostrovsky (eds), Armenia between Byzantium and the Orient. Celebrating the Memory of Karen Yuzbashian (1927-2009). Leiden: Brill 2019 (Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity 16).
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