Publications (in print or just published) 2024 (July)

 12 Jul 2024 : 03:20
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Recent & Forthcoming Publications:

(In alphabetical order of the authors)

  • ALBRECHT, STEFAN, Das Synaxar von Konstantinopel und die byzantinische Ökumene, in: Antje Bosselmann-Ruickbie u.a. (Hg.), Byzanz am Rhein. Festschrift für Günter Prinzing anlässlich seines 80. Geburtstags. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2024, 1–20.
  • ANDREEV, ALEKSANDR – AFANASYEVA, TATIANA, Цикл молитв Василия Великого в составе древнерусских часословов XIII–XIV вв. [The Cycle Of Prayers of St. Basil the Great in the Early Russian Horologia of the 13th – 14th Centuries], in: Древняя Русь. Вопросы медиевистики 2024, 143–156 (in Russian with English summary).
  • BAHR, LEONARD, The Litanies: Intercessory Prayers in Ethiopian Manuscripts. MA Thesis, University of Hamburg 2023:
  • BENGA, DANIEL, Images and Perceptions of Orthodox Liturgical Practice and Piety in the Travel Accounts of Stephan Gerlach (1546–1612) and Salomon Schweigger (1551–1622), in: Ionu Alexandru Tudorie, Daniel Benga (Eds.), The Manifold Faces of the East. Western Images of the Post-Byzantine Christian World in the Age of Reformation. Paderborn: Brill Schöningh 2024, 87–121.
  • CAMPBELL, JONATHAN, History in the Margins: Paratextual Notes in Codex Koridethi (Θ 038), in: Andrews University Seminary Studies, Vol. 60, 1 (2023) 41–55.
  • CHASE, NATHAN P., The Anaphoral Tradition in the ‘Barselona Papyrus’. Turnhout: Brepols 2023 (= Studia Traditionis Theologiae, vol. 53).
  • CRACIUN A. F., LOSSKY A., POTT T. (éd.), Homme et femme il les créa : la place des femmes dans la liturgie. 67e Semaine d'études liturgiques Paris, Institut Saint-Serge, 6–9 juillet 2021. Münster: Aschendorff 2024 (= Semaines d'études liturgiques Saint-Serge 67).
  • DOLIDZE, TINA (ED.), ქართულ-ბიზანტიური ურთიერთობის ძირითადი მიმართულებები. IV-XV საუკუნეები („პატრისტიკული კვლევა საქართველოში“ 9) [The Main Directions of the Georgian-Byzantine Relationships. 4th-15th centuries]. Tbilisi: Logos 2024 (= Patristical Research in Georgia 9), in Georgian.
  • FARRUGIA, EDWARD G. S.J. –PAŠA, ŽELJKO S.J., Autocephaly. Coming of Age in Communion. Historical, Canonical, Liturgical and Theological Studies, 2 vol. Rome 2023 (= Orientalia Christiana Analecta 314–315).
  • GAPRINDASHVILI, KHATUNA, The Medieval Georgian Manuscript from the Kappatha Convent in Jerusalem: Matenadaran georg. 61, in: Oriens Chrostianus 106 (2023), 159–175.
  • ΙΕΡΆ Μεγίστη Μονή Βατοπαιδίου (ed.), Η Θεία Λειτουργία του Αγίου Αποστόλου Ιακώβου, Αδελφού του Κυρίου και Πρώτου Αρχιεπισκόπου Ιερουσαλήμ. 4 vol. Μονή Βατοπαιδίου 2023.
  • JANERAS, SEBASTIÀ, El trisagi en l’antiga litúrgia hispànica. Actualització i síntesi, in: Miscel·lània Litúrgica Catalana 31(2023), 219-233.
  • MARTÍ, INMACULADA PÉREZ, El rollo litúrgico Escorial R-II-14 y su copista, el monje Neófito. Manuscritos griegos de El Escorial.
  • MIHÁLYKÓ, ÁGNES – CHASE, NATHAN P., The “Milan Euchologion”: Reconstructing an Unknown Fourth-Century Anaphora and Its Post-Anaphoral Prayers, in: Vigiliae Christianae 2024.
  • MÜLLER-KESSLER, CHRISTA, The Early Jerusalem Lectionary Tradition in Christian Palestinian Aramaic (5th-7th Century). Lections Containing Unattested Old and New Testament Pericopes in Unpublished Palimpsests (Sinai, Gr. NF MG 32; Georg. NF 19, 71), in: Le Muséon 136.1–2 (2023) 201–263.
  • MÜLLER-KESSLER, CHRISTA, Piecing together Christian Palestinian Aramaic Texts under Georgian Manuscripts (St Petersburg, NLR, Syr. 16; Sinai, Georg. NF 19, 71; Oslo, Martin Schøyen, MS 35, 37; Princeton, Garrett MS 24; Göttingen, Syr. 17, 19, 23, 25), in: Digital Kartvelology 1 (2022), 24–49.
  • NIKIFOROVA, ALEKSANDRA, Фрагмент РНБ Гр. 87: новая находка нового тропология [The Fragment National Library of Russia Greek 87: A New Find of the New Tropologion], in: Известия Российской Академии Наук. Серия литературы и языка [Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Studies in Literature and Language]. 83/1 (2024), 73–89 (in Russian).
  • PARENTI, STEFANO, Enarxis. All'origine di un equicovo, in: Ex Fonte 3 (2024) 39–56.
  • PARENTI, STEFANO, Le preghiere iniziali e il dialogo introduttorio della Divina Liturgia bizantina, in: Studi sull’Oriente Cristiano 28/1 (2024) 109–131.
  • PAUL OF ALEPPO's Journal, Volume 1: Syria, Constantinople, Moldavia, Wallachia and the Cossacks’ Lands. Introductory Study by IOANA FEODOROV. Arabic edition and English translation by Ioana Feodorov with Yulia Petrova, Mihai Țipău, Samuel Noble. Leiden, Boston: Brill 2024 (Arabic Christianity: Texts and Studies 7).
  • ROOSIEN, MARC, The Travels of a Liturgcal Feast from the Holy Land: Feasting the Lord's Transfiguration in Armenian, West Syrian, and Byzantine Christianity, in: Emilio Bonfiglio, Claudia Rapp (edd.), Armenia and Byzantium without Boders. Leiden: Brill 2023 (= Armenian Texts and Studies 7), 215-235.
  • SMIRNOV, VIKTOR – GUDKOV, ALEKSEY – STARIKOVA, IRINA, Рукописная книга XVII-XX вв. в собрании В. В. Смирнова [Handgeschriebenes Buch des 17.–20. Jh. in der Sammlung V. V. Smirnovs].
  • SPYRAKOU, EVANGELIA, Aspects of Performance Practice and Training of the Medieval Chanter and Chantress in Byzantium: An Interdisciplinary Approach, in: Textus & Musica 7(2023):
  • TUCKER, GREGORY, The Holy Friday Idiomelon Σήμερον κρεμᾶται ἐπὶ ξύλου. Liturgical History between Jerusalem and Constantinople, in: Ex Fonte – Journal of Ecumenical Studies in Liturgy 3 (2024) 57–82.
  • VOICU, SEVER J., Seste spigolature pseudocrisostomiche, in: Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata III s. 20 (2023), 237–267.


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