12–17 September 2022

 22 Dec 2021 : 17:05
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Recent and forthcoming publications 2021 (December)

 21 Dec 2021 : 06:15
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Recent & Forthcoming Publications:

András DOBOS, Prassi e teologia circa l’Eucaristia nella storica Eparchia di Mukačevo. Dall’unione di Užhorod (1646) fino alla metà del XX secolo. Münster: Aschendorff 2022 (Studies in Eastern Christian Liturgies 3); https://www.aschendorff-buchverlag.de/detailview?no=21770.

Mary Farag, What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity. University of California Press 2021 (Transformation of the Classical Heritage 63).

Daniel GALADZA, Art. Святогрóбский Типикóн, in: Православная Энцилкопедия 62 (forthcoming), 141–144 (on academia.edu).

Job GETCHA, The Euchologion Unveiled: An Explanation of Byzantine Liturgical Practice II. New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press 2021.

Job GETCHA, La théologie sacramentaire Byzantine : Les sacrements chez Nicolas Cabasilas et Syméon de Thessalonique. Préface de Marie-Hélène Congourdeau, Paris : Beauchesne 2021.

Theodoros X. GIANGOU, Christina KAKKOURA, Christodoulos CHRISTODOULOU, Nikolaos PAPANTONIOU (eds.), Κυπριακή Αγιολογία. Πρακτικά Β΄ Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου «Από τον άγιο Επιφάνιο στον άγιο Νεόφυτο τον Έγκλειστο (4ος-12ος αι.)», Παραλίμνι, 13-15 Φεβρουαρίου 2014. Agia Napa, Paralimni 2021.

Ephrem A. ISHAC, Thomas CSANÁDY, Theresa Zammit LUPI (eds.), Tracing Written Heritage in a Digital Age. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2021.

Mirela IVANOVA, Inventing and ethnicising Slavonic in the long ninth century, in: Journal of Medieval History, 47:4-5 (2021), 574-586. Link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/03044181.2021.1980960

Thomas LIENHARD, The emergence of written Slavonic (c.860–c.880): where and why?, in: Journal of Medieval History 47:4-5 (2021), 587-596. Link to the abstract: https://doi.org/10.1080/03044181.2021.1980970

Martin LUSTRAETEN, The Source Value of Arabic Typicon-Manuscripts as Testimonials for the Byzantinization of the Melkites, in: Religions 2021, 12(11), 931; https://doi.org/10.3390/rel12110931

Alexandra NIKIFOROVA, Святые жeны в древнеиерусалимском богослужении: корпус текстов и система топосов, in: Библия и христианская древность / Bible and Christian Antiquity, 11/ 3, (2021), 160–196. (on academia.edu)

Eugen J. PENTUIC, Hearing the Scriptures: Liturgical Exegesis of the Old Testament in Byzantine Orthodox Hymnography. Oxford University Press 2021.

Gregory TUCKER, The Hymnography of the Middle Byzantine Ecclesiastic Rite & Its Festal Theology: Introduction – Edition – Commentary. (Studies in Eastern Christian Liturgies), Münster: Aschendorff, forthcoming.

ExFonte Logo Basis Ex Fonte – Journal of Ecumenical Studies in Liturgy.
May 2022. https://exfonte.org


 11 Aug 2021 : 21:02
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Skopje, 12-14 November, 2021

Deadline for submitting the abstract of the papers: 15 August, 2021

INFO: http://www.ini.ukim.mk


 11 Aug 2021 : 21:00
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Venice and Padua, 22 – 27 August 2022

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 11 Aug 2021 : 20:55
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University of Cologne & St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, September 27 – October 1, 2021

Deadline for Registration: August 31, 2021.

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10-12 May 2021

 28 Apr 2021 : 22:46
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10-12 May 2021

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21–23 January 2021

 22 Dec 2020 : 23:19
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INFO: https://www.byzanz-mainz.de/aktuelles/b/article/sakralarchitektur- ritus-und-musik-zwischen-byzanz-und-dem-westen-6-15-jahrhundert/

Recent and forthcoming publications 2020 (December)

 22 Dec 2020 : 07:15
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Just published:

Stefanos Alexopoulos, Maxwell E. Johnson, Introduction to Eastern Christian Liturgies, Liturgical Press 2021

Garrick V. Allen, Manuscripts of the Book of Revelation: New Philology, Paratexts, Reception. Oxford University Press 2020.

Heinzgerd Brakmann, Tinatin Chronz, Claudia Sode (Hrsg.), «Neugeboren aus Wasser und Heiligem Geist». Kölner Kolloquium zur Initiatio Christiana 2016. Münster: Aschendorff 2020 (Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 37).

A.F. Craciun, A. Lossky, T. Pott (éd.), Liturgies de pèlerinages. 66e Semaine d'études liturgiques, Paris, Institut Saint-Serge, 1–4 juillet 2019. Münster: Aschendorff 2020.

Εμμανουήλ Στ. Γιαννοπούλοσ, Η συλλογή παλαιών Ψαλτικών χειρογράφων του Σίμωνα Καρά. Αναλυτικός περιγραφικός
κατάλογος. Ἀθην́α 2020.
https://kepem.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/GiannopoulosKEPEMKaras-musical-mss- AnalytCatalogue2020.pdf

Epifanij (Denis Bulaev), Рукописные источники византийского Октоиха и их типология (Manuscript sources of the Byzantine Oktoechos and their typology, in Russian). Diss., Moscow 2020.
Supervisor: Mikhael Zheltov. PDF on academia.edu:

Stephen J. Davis, Daniel Schriever, and Mary K. Farag, with a contribution by Samuel Moawad, The Feast of the Desert of Apa Shenoute: A Liturgical Procession from the White Monastery in Egypt (BN Copte 68) (Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 681, Scriptores coptici 53). Louvain: Peeters Publishers 2020.

Agata Deptula, Liturgical Poetry in Christian Nubia. The Evidence of the Wall Inscriptions in the Lower Church at Banganarti (Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplements, 38). Leuven: Peeters 2020.

Mary K. Farag, “Relics vs. Paintings of the Three Holy Children: Coptic Responses to Chalcedonian Claims in Alexandria”, in Analecta Bollandiana 137 (2019) 261-276.

H.-J. Feulner (Hrsg.), “Ex oriente lux?” Östliche Liturgien und westliche Kultur. Berlin, Wien: Lit Verlag 2020 (Österreichische Studien zur Liturgiewissenschaft und Sakramententheologie 13).

Hans-Jürgen Feulner, Elias Haslwanter (Ed.), Gottesdienst auf eigene Gefahr? Die Feier der Liturgie in der Zeit von Covid-19. Münster: Aschendorff 2020.

Daniel Galadza, “‘Remember, O Lord...’: Liturgy, History, and Communion Spoons in a Time of Pandemic”, Public Orthodoxy (Orthodox Christian Studies Center, Fordham University, 21 May 2020): https://publicorthodoxy.org/2020/05/21/liturgy-history-and-communion-spoons/ (with translations into Greek and Russian).

Daniel Galadza, “Liturgy in the Life of the Eastern Catholic Churches: Theory and Practice in Europe and North America,” in Eastern and Oriental Christianity in the Diaspora, ed. H. G. B. Teule and J. Verheyden (Eastern Christian Studies 30, Leuven: Peeters, 2020), 33-56.

Holy Land. Archaeology on Either Side. Archaeological Essays in Honour of Eugenio Alliata ofm. Milano: Edizioni Terra Santa 2020.

Journal of the International Society for Orthodox Church Music, Vol. 4, No 2, 2020.
For the content and free download see: https://journal.fi/jisocm/issue/view/6949?fbclid=IwAR2TRwsQYuQpetSkwe3e9C8c_JCJoCzq u7XYWvn_uTBY3Zw17HXlg3bbN88

Athanassios Malis. Obscured by Walls: The Bēma Display of the Cretan Churches from Visibility to Concealment (Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 18). Okzident 18). Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 2020.

Daniel Oltean, Devenir moine à Byzance. Coutumes sociales, règles monastiques et rituels liturgiques (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 291 / Bibliothèque de Byzantion 24), Leuven: Peeters, 2020.

Alexander Treiger, “The Beginnings of the Graeco-Syro-Arabic Melkite Translation Movement in Antioch”, in Scrinium 16 (2020), 1-27.

Stefano Parenti, L’anafora di Crisostomo. Testo e contesti. Münster: Achendorff 2020 (Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 36).

Elena Velkovska, “The Pontifical Diataxis “according to the Rite of the Great Church” (London, British Library Add. 34060). A New Edition”, in Studi sull’Oriente Cristiano 24,2 (2020).


Harald Buchinger, "Liturgy and Topography in Late Antique Jerusalem", in: Jerusalem II. Jerusalem in Roman-Byzantine Times (Hg. K. Heyden / M. Lissek; Civitatum Orbis Mediterranei Studia), Tübingen: Mohr.

Damaskinos of Xenophontos, The Theotokos in the Holy of Holies. Going beyond Senses, in: A. Jugănaru, M. Vuković, (eds.), Taste and See that the Lord is Good. Senses and Sense Perception in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Budapest 2021.

András Dobos, Prassi e teologia circa l’eucaristia nella storica eparchia di Mukačevo dall’unione di Užhorod (1646) fino alla metà del XX secolo (SECL). Münster: Aschendorff 2021.

Alexandru Ionita, Harald Buchinger, The Byzantine Liturgy and the Jews. (SECL). Münster: Aschendorff 2021.

Joseph Verheyden, Daniel Galadza (eds.), The Lavra of St. Sabas. Liturgy and Literature in Communities and Contexts. Leuven 2021.

Ugo Zanetti, La liturgie de S. Marc dans le Sinai arabe 237. Édition et traduction annotée. (JThF). Münster: Aschendorff 2021.

ExFonte Logo Basis Ex Fonte – Journal of Ecumenical Studies in Liturgy.
May 2022. https://exfonte.org

Recent and forthcoming publications 2020 (October)

 17 Oct 2020 : 08:18
 None    Publications

Just published:

Gerard Rouwhorst, "A Paradigm Shift in the Study of Early Christian Rituals: Methodological Perspectives,", in: Nienke Vos and Albert C. Geljon, Rituals in Early Christitanity. New Perspectives on Tradition and Transformation, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 164, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2020, pp.12-26.
Gerard Rouwhorst, "The Origins and Transformations of Early Christian Feasts", ibidem, pp. 27-51.

The Damascus Psalm Fragment. Middle Arabic and the Legacy of Old Ḥigāzī by Ahmad Al-Jallad with a contribution by Ronny Vollandt. Chicago 2020 (The University of Chicago. Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Near East 2).

Christian Brockmann, Dieter Harlfinger , Stefano Valente (Hrsg.), Griechisch-byzantinische Handschriftenforschung. Traditionen, Entwicklungen, neue Wege. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 2020.

Harald Buchinger, Die Feier der Beschneidung des Herrn am Oktavtag von Weihnachten: Liturgische Entwicklung und Entfaltung im ersten Jahrtausend, in: Die Beschneidung Jesu: Was sie Juden und Christen heute bedeutet (Hg. J.-H. Tück), Freiburg: Herder 2020, 147-185.

Nathan P. Chase, Rethinking Anaphoral Development in Light of the Barcelona Papyrus. University of Notre Dame, 2020 (Doctoral dissertation). Abstracts

Boris Danilenko, Die kirchenslawische Übersetzung der Jakobus-Liturgie von Ivan Gardner: Textologie und Kulturgeschichte. Berlin e.a. 2020 (Philologica Slavica Vindobonensia 6).

Ἐκτενεῖς τῶν ἑορτῶν. Ιερά Μεγίστη Μονή Βατοπεδίου 2020.

Daniel Galadza, Alex C. J. Neroth van Vogelpoel, Multilingualism in the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom Among the Melkites, in: ARAM 31. 2019, 35-50.

Sebastià Janeras I Vilaro, «Nota sobre l’anamnesi de l’"Anàfora de Barcelona" (P. Monts. Roca inv. 128-178)», in: Miscellània litúrgica catalana 2019, 17-24 (for download see the pdf)

Nicolae Preda, The so-called Prayers of the Kathismata. Breef Historical-Liturgical Presentation, in: Icoana Creintei 6 (11). 2020, 17-36.

Georgios Thanasos, Η Ακολουθία των Εγκαινίων. Ιστορικολει-τουργική Θεώρηση και έντυπες εκδόσεις. Thessaloniki: Ἐκδόσεις Κυριακίδη 2020.



Heinzgerd Brakmann, Tinatin Chronz, Claudia Sode (Hrsg.), »Neugeboren aus Wasser und Heiligem Geist«. Kölner Kolloquium zur Initiatio Christiana 2016. Münster: Aschendorff 2020 (Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 37).

Harald Buchinger, Liturgy and Topography in Late Antique Jerusalem, in: Jerusalem II. Jerusalem in Roman-Byzantine Times (Hg. K. Heyden / M. Lissek; Civitatum Orbis Mediterranei Studia), Tübingen: Mohr.

Damaskinos of Xenophontos, The Theotokos in the Holy of Holies. Going beyond Senses, in: A. Jugănaru, M. Vuković, (eds.), Taste and See that the Lord is Good. Senses and Sense Perception in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Budapest 2021.

H.-J. Feulner (Hrsg.), “Ex oriente lux?” Östliche Liturgien und westliche Kultur. Berlin, Wien: Lit Verlag 2020 (Österreichische Studien zur Liturgiewissenschaft und Sakramententheologie 13).

Daniel Galadza, Prayers Before Prayerbooks. The Patristic Background of Holy Week Prayers in the Euchologion, in: XVIII. International Conference on Patristic Studies Oxford (StPa). Oxford

Stefano Parenti, L’anafora di Crisostomo. Testo e contesti. Münster: Achendorff 2020 (Jerusalemer Theologisches Forum 36).

Alexander Treiger, The Beginnings of the Graeco-Syro-Arabic Melkite Translation Movement in Antioch, in: Scrinium 16 (2020), 1–27.

J. Verheyden, D. Galadza (eds.), The Lavra of St. Sabas. Liturgy and Literature in Communities and Contexts. Leuven 2021.

Ugo Zanetti, La liturgie de S. Marc dans le Sinai arabe 237. Édition et traduction annotée. Münster: Achendorff (JThF).

Vacant Position for a Special Scientist at the University of Cyprus

 17 Oct 2020 : 07:50
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The deadline is 30 October 2020.

Twinning Project "Network for Medieval Arts and Rituals" (NetMAR), funded by the European Commission (Research Executive Agency) at the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, University of Cyprus.

Applicants with an MA in Byzantine Studies, Medieval Studies or Classics are encouraged to apply. The selected candidate will also enroll in the Graduate School of the University of Cyprus, and while acting as the NetMAR project manager s/he will work towards her/his Ph.D. in Byzantine Studies and the Latin East.

For more information see: University of Cyprus

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